Benefits of Curb Guards

Posted by Rachel Perpich

Dec 27, 2018 8:27:48 AM

The concept of a curb guard might seem simple, but it is still a product that could potentially save you (or your crew) from having to invest extracurbguards-1 money in fixing damages to your cutting edge, plow or curb. There are basic advantages to owning a curb guard for your plow, which consist of prolonging the use of your products before they need to be replaced. But there are also other advantages that you may not have previously considered.


Cleaner Plowing 

Because of the curb guard, you won't have to be as careful or concerned about your plow making contact with the curb, so you can get your plow closer to the curb for a cleaner plow line, which will ultimately make the job easier and more effective. 


No Damage to the Curb

Plowing without utilizing the curb guard could potentially harm your equipment, but it could also cause damage to the curb. The cutting edge of the plow is extremely strong and sharp, making accidents easy if you make contact with it. While some curbs will have natural deterioration after heavy winters, you don't want to expedite that process and end up paying to repair your customers' landscape.


The Shape is Meant to Protect

The shape of the curb guard is specially designed to create a strong barrier for the harder hits that would normally cause damage. When the straight edge is angled during use, the corner of the cutting edge can cause damage. The curved shape of the formed work piece accommodates for this natural plow position, and then deflects the curb upon contact, keeping both the curb and cutting edge of the plow out of harm’s way.


Curb Guards Wear With the Plow

You won’t need to replace the curb guards because they will wear with your equipment, as opposed to faster than the equipment. The curb guard features AR450 material, which is an abrasion-resistant steel. This allows protection on each side, prolonging the lifetime of the cutting edge, as well as lowering the risk for any major damage. 


You’re Protecting Your Gear

The foremost function of the curb guard is to protect against damages that could be inflicted to the plow. While damaging other objects isn’t ideal, your plow is most likely your main concern as you can’t do your job without it. While a damaged plow or cutting edge can already be frustrating, it can be even more frustrating when it affects your business and livelihood.


Having a curb guard for the straight edge plow can allow you to keep your mind at ease and know that if you get a little too close for comfort to the curb, the BOSS curb guard has got your back. Check out the curb guards on our website, and for additional information email our team at

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