Each year we strive to partner with a local non-profit group to fulfill our giving mission. We partner with one non-profit and provide financial and volunteer support. Non-profits receive $5,000 and support from BOSS volunteers to perform work on the selected project. Non-profits are encouraged to apply for this opportunity. We are proud of the projects we have supported!
Stay tuned to our social media pages for updates on our annual giving project!

2023 Bay College Walking Trail Restoration
BOSS Snowplow partnered with the Bay College West Campus to restore walking trails open for everyone to enjoy. With goals to connect the community to nature, the trail was updated with gravel, mulch and three new wooden walkways. To make this project possible, BOSS Snowplow supported Bay College through donations, fundraisers, manpower and machinery.

2022 Habitat for Humanity Repair Blitz
BOSS Snowplow partnered with habitat for humanity in July of 2022 to repair the outside exterior of a community member's home and garage. BOSS Snowplow joined forces with habitat for humanity and provided financial support through donations and fundraising as well as manpower for the volunteer days.

2021 Dickinson Trail Network Pewabic Trail System
The Dickinson Trail Network is working hard to implement the Pewabic Hill Trail System. The Pewabic Hill Trail System will include five biking trails ranging in difficulty for all skill levels in addition to a connector trail to link several main loops together. The trail system is located in close proximity to the businesses and amenities of downtown Iron Mountain making it an ideal location to draw outdoor enthusiasts that reside in town, while at the same time routing tourists and visitors to the trail system through the downtown area. BOSS Snowplow donated towards this endeavor.

2019 Habitat for Humanity Stanton Street Park
BOSS Snowplow partnered with Habitat for Humanity to improve the park conditions at the Stanton Street Park. BOSS funds supported purchasing new playground equipment. Employees also supported the installation of the equipment, as well as the installation of a pavilion and planting of greens to support the overall aesthetics and beautification of the park.

2018 Lake Antoine Park Partners
After the devastating storm in June of 2015, Lake Antoine Park suffered a substantial amount of damage to the area, with high winds taking down over 200 trees. Over the past few years, improvements have been made to the quality of the park. Community members have been working hard to create a better environment for future generations. This rehabilitation has been a long journey. In 2018, BOSS Snowplow partnered with the Lake Antoine Park Partners, providing funds and manpower for a community volunteer day in which employees and community members worked hand in hand to plant trees, install a tot lot, improve the entrance, and install a new sign. The Toro Foundation also provided financial support through a volunteer grant.

2017 Friends of Niagara Memorial Park
In 2017, BOSS Snowplow partnered with the Friends of Niagara Memorial Park Project to improve the state of the Niagara Memorial Park. BOSS Snowplow provided funds and manpower to assist in the build and installation of the playground equipment. The Toro Foundation also supported the project with a volunteer grant.

2016 Kiwanis 25 Location
The first of the BOSS Snowplow community projects occurred in 2016 in partnership with the Kiwanis Club of Iron Mountain-Kingsford. The Kiwanis Club had a plan and vision to restore the 25 Location Park. Fundraisers had taken place and the group had gained momentum in the community. BOSS Snowplow joined forces and provided financial support and manpower for the community volunteer day in which the playground equipment was installed, and several landscape improvements were made.